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SAT/ACT Exam Prep 

The SAT/ACT Prep program at Achievement Learning Center helps prepare students by incorporating general strategies for test taking, as well as test content.  We offer teacher guided instruction and though our course covers all content,  we allow for an individualized plan for each student.   Guided lessons with a trained coach ensure that students receive both practice and strategies. Eight sessions are offered and are tailored to the individual needs of each student – some may need more focus in one area than another.  It is our goal with our SAT/ACT program to help students prepare physically and mentally for the test and to understand and be able to use the scores as a means of enhancing the school-to-college transition.


Our comprehensive 8 hour SAT/ACT preparatory course is designed to cover all objectives on the exams in a small, individualized setting. Our program uses a variety of teaching materials, consisting of primarily direct instruction along with computer assisted enrichment. Trained teachers guide students in test content, test strategies and essay development. We incorporate an individualized approach to support which most students prefer over a large classroom format. We administer mini practice tests within the course as a means to assess students and allow for further customization of the plan. Our SAT/ACT program does not teach students to “beat” the test, but provides skills that will help students to be successful during their college career.


The main objectives of our program are:


  • Understanding the testing process and how to prepare physically and mentally for the test

  • Understand and respond efficiently to the various types of test questions

  • Practice with questions and test items in all content areas with strategies that work best for the individual student

  • Understand and use the scores as a means of improving academic awareness and enhancing the school-to-college transition


I loved the small group size and the individual attention I received. Best part is I improved my SAT scores over 100 points!”

Mark N.


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